Friday, May 29, 2009

Just another day in the Rockies. I understand why John Denver sang about this part of the country. Like they say priceless. We went to ID. Falls yesterday took a nice short walk around the falls. They are in the downtown area and have nice shopping and a GOOD Mexican restaurant. I must say the food was very tasty. Even the salsa was good. As usually I stained my new white blouse with salsa I hate it when that happens. White is my favorite color. Well, I will need to shop again.
Today is Friday and we plan to stay home and enjoy the RV park
the weather is just perfect so we will enjoy the outdoors. The air is so very clean here.
I spoke with my grandsons last night they are doing well and anxious for school to be out. They need there summer vacation.
Although there summer is pretty booked. They have grandparents in AR. so will spend a couple of weeks with them, then they will fly to WA. to spend about 3 weeks with us. Being the {perfect} granny, we have lots of fun stuff plan for them.
I am keeping up with our friends blogs as they begin there summer travels. Ted and Donna had dinner in MO. that famous restaurant that throws the rolls. Donna said there is no portion control, the wait staff is always coming around to fill your plates. They took home enough food for 2 meals. They are off to Ohio to visit with their kids and grand kids. They always have many stories to share with all of their many travels.
Jay and Stella are also on the road they are headed to IN. they will attend a rally. I like going to the rallies always have good vendors to make RV living easy.
WELL I suppose I have made all jealous. Of course I will post again. You just need to retire and come play with us. Keep leaving your comments, I do enjoy hearing from you. By the way Lisa pooh those are buffalo's.
Love to all, be safe
Juju and Harry


  1. Or you could spoil your daughter and let her travel with ya'll

    Love you
    Lisa pooh

  2. I agree with could spoil her and me!!

    Love ya,

  3. They should spoil all of us, Harry won the Texas lotto a few years back and living on the interest only.

  4. I can't keep up with you guys. At one point I thought you were headed towards California but instead you headed the other that right?
    Luv ya,
