Sunday, July 18, 2010

Ladies night

We awoke to a bright sunshine day. This morning temp about 53with the high reaching 84. We dressed and headed to town to the local restaurant to meet with our camping buddies for breakfast.  Harry choose the pancake breakfast.  The pancake is the size of Texas I got my usual child plate.  I am not really keen on breakfast prefer it for supper.  I just go for the coffee and fellowship. We exchange stories of our past week. A couple of host had Russians for campers this weekend. Who'd a thought camping, drinking vodka and dancing around a fire in the middle of July would be a sight to see.  Just sorry I have no pictures to share. The foreigners will be here a few more days. Now Harry and I had a group of about 60 people. A family reunion. I was a little concerned when they pulled in with a huge chuck wagon hung with dutch ovens and the very large dinner bell.  Seeing small youngins playing barefoot, the males having no shirts.  Could not tell if any had bubba teeth. Women folks cooking and sitting round the ole fire gossiping.  My fears were nothing to be concerned about.  They all were just great fun to have in the park.  They played volleyball, went to the lake for swimming, the kids with their bicycles. When preparing to leave this morning the group cleaned the area nice and tidy.  So our janitorial duties was very light.  All I had to do was pour a little simple green on the picnic tables and hose them down. Harry refreshed the bathrooms and we loaded the trash bags and hauled it to the dumpster. Wa la done deal.
We have a new group in for the evening they will leave Monday afternoon. Same routine after they leave a swoosh and a pray. 
I mentioned in last blog about ladies night.  Us ladies had such fun.  We meet at the patio starting the evening with our favorite drinks, mine of course was crown and water, others had wine, beer and bloody marys. The more we consume the funnier things got.  Jackie works the the museum and her and hubby will celebrate 48 years this Friday.  They are planning a little trip.  So us being noisy ladies we asked her to give us all the h*## ny details when they get back.  She was very quick to say TMI.  After we had our dinner we boarded the boats. Heading out to the middle of the lake doing what we do best cackle and laughing. Remember we are in our 50's we needed to go you know really go.  The boats did not have a ladies rooms. We had several drinks and a hour on the lake was not a pretty sight.  Ms XXX   she had a skirt so she was able to step to the back of the boat and squat.  The rest of us waited till we reached the dock and here is some FYI when you see a heard of running ladies pushing, shoving move out of the way and move fast.  Your life depends on your fast action. After all is said and done we were back at the bar doing what we do best on ladies night.  Wish you were here.
Be safe XOXOX

Friday, July 16, 2010





  Hows ya'lls doin.  We are having a blast.  Something different everyday. 
Wednesday July the 7th was our day off and we chose to drive 280 mile The International Selkirk  Loop. This loop encircle the spectacular Selkirk  mountains in northern Washington, northern Idaho and the south east British Columbia.  Nearly the entire loop route parallels crystal lakes and rivers.  So the story goes these waters used by the native tribes, gold seekers and early settlers were the main highway of transportation.  Today the loops, lakes, rivers, and trails are a vast playground with a myriads of opportunities for year round recreation. 
We could see snow capped mountains lots of farmland with brilliant colors of wildflowers. The air even seems so fresh.  The Canadians take pride with manicured lawns fresh painted  framed homes. Several small towns each having a unique attraction for you to marvel.  The best part of the trip was the ferry ride. It takes a good 45 min. you may get out of your car and gaze at the awesome overall view of your recent mileage.
 The only negative would be parking.  With our big Texas truck very difficult to park. Remember this part of the country people are very earth friendly.
We had to pass through custom coming and going. Did not have a long wait and the agent asked the formal questions what is your purpose for visiting Canada. How long you plan to stay? Do you have any food, plants, or guns with you?  Seeing the Texas tags they assume we carry firearms.  Yes they are a little tricky with questions but it is there job.
Just a foot note this America's Byway is one of only 27 all American Road National Scenic byways in the U. S. There are many more scenic, and back country byways for us to explore.
The other day we were heading into Hayden a small town about 10 miles from the park.  We were on highway 95 frequently traveled by motorist with a speed limit 65 mph. Singing along with oldies on the radio, when a moose darted into the traffic. Harry slammed on the brakes the cars behind us doing the same. Screeching tires and swerving cars we all managed to miss the moose. As fast as he appeared he disappeared faster. Really no time to be alarmed it happen so fast, I was not able to get a picture.
Last night was ladies night for the volunteers of the park.  About 16 of us headed to Bayview a very short 5 minute trip.  The local owner of the Floating Patio Restaurant.  He also rents pontoon boats for Lake Pend Oreille he took us ladies out on a 1 hour boat ride.  The weather was perfect, it made the boat glide across the water. As the evening sun began to set, the cold water sparkled like glitter and the shadow creeping along the mountain side.  A family of Mountain goats on the cliff  single file marched out of our site. The ladies enjoying our special treat did not want the night to end. However we planed a evening together next Thursday for a friendly game of LCR.
Marty's birthday was Monday so her husband Duff, Harry and I took her to the Northern Quest Casino in Spokane.  Very nice place Harry was able to play the Texas hold em tournament and placed 3rd.  I played blackjack finally lost 23.00 dollars. In fact Marty was the big loser she gave the casino 60.00 bucks. After 5 hours of playing we went to the buffet and chowed down.  They had some killer potato soup, I indulged in two bowls. Another favorite fried catfish which is rare for these area. Stuffed to the gills we wobbled out and head back to the park.
Our latest adventure all too soon has now become a memory pressed through the pages which will sweeten through the ages like fine wine.
Thank you guys for allowing me to share.  All be safe xoxoxo

Monday, July 5, 2010

Monday July 5th

Good morning my friends.  Hope all is well after a long weekend.
I remember longing for the extra days off from work.  As soon as one day off  passed, I was counting down for the next vacation.
Today is always a vacation :) for me now.  I may tease you but don't wish your life away.  Enjoy each day, there are to many memories to make.
I shall begin with our supper club. The park has about 12 to 14 couple volunteers.  We get together on Thursday for cocktails and supper. The ladies swap recipes, some darn good cooks.
We have 3 new volunteers came in this week, one lady is a native Texan.  She has a large family and they are scattered through out the state.  She has a grandson living in Lake Jackson, a son in the Dallas   and daughter in the San Antonio.  Her family has the Lone Star State covered.  She is a very interesting lady.  Having been a journalist for 37 years. Ms. Pat is a wealth of knowledge and willing to share her life experience. 
Then we have Marty and Duffy they are from Iowa and have now joined the life style of full time RV'ers. They have the same days off as us. The four of us try and plan outings together.  Duffy treated us to some Iowa corn feed rib eyes. My o my the best steak.  The meat had great marble, moist and tender, no knife needed.  Being a carnivore I ate the whole thing. Marty made homemade chocolate chip cookies. Need I say more. After dinner we gather around the the fire ring and as the dark began to engulf the twilight we ready ourselves for the anticipated fireworks. Our view was some what obstructed with the sky towering pines.  However as the light illuminated the branches and limbs of the trees. You might think you have witness a forest fire. Such a spectacular to witness.
 With each brilliant sparkle of colors light the night sky, the loud blast rumble through the mountains.  You fell the spirited American pride. Keep praying, and  supporting our many many soldiers that keeps America free.  " FREEDOM"  echo through out the world.
Maureen surprised us with a nice package. Her and the boys put together a video of their summer events, with handmade gifts Cody decorated a pink visor stated I am the number one granny. I know ahh!!!! but I am worth it. He made Harry a picture frame attached with his picture.  SOOOO cute.  Maureen and the boys gave us a Log Tech camera system for Christmas and we are having such a good time learning to use this fun gadget. We are able to visit with the boys frequently via the web.  This high tech age is unbelievable.  I can remember days without telephone, fast food restaurants, clothes dryers, just to name a few.  Now look at us, hard to keep up with all the fast past technology.
To get back to Farragut park, it was a busy weekend for all the host.  The park filled rapidly for the long holiday weekend.  As I have mentioned Harry and I have such a sweet assignment. I almost feel guilty.  {NOT}  The Locust Grove grounds are very primitive. If you choose to camp here it is boon docking.  No hook ups. Now the people that have Campers most have generators, a little convenience. Then you have the die hard tent campers and I truly admire them. The people are very respectful what they bring in they take out.  Our job a gravy train. 
 We also have the best view in the park. Sitting in the trailer I look out the back windows and see deer and a large buck playing.  Lots of tiny hummingbirds, and birds of colors yellow, red and blue. Nature a gift from our creator brings a sense of peace in your inner faith knowing paradise awaits.  
The weather today shall be in a mild 73, by week end they forecast the 90's.  OMG!!!! A heat wave. I guess I should hoard some sun screen. 
Hope all a safe week ahead take care will chat later.