Thursday, January 7, 2010


Brrrrr I am waiting for the artic blast. Big news for the weather people.  I do get a chuckle listening to them.  It seems they are unable to give straight answer.  Such as we may see precipitation.  High winds could get very high at times. A chance your pipes may freeze. Streets may be icy and traffic lights may not work. If you do not need to be out stay at home.  The media must think Americans are stupid. I do remember my schooling, 32 degrees and below is freezing.  WOW it must be rocket sceince.
Speaking of rocket sceince we are going to try and see the space shuttle launch Feb. 7th.  The shuttle is due to launch 4:00 a.m.  Our daughters have witness seeing the launch and the shuttle being piggy back to Fl. This will be great to have a front row seat to history. We will have to rely on the weather men to predict clear skys and prefect conditions. Hmmm we will see. 
Since selling our home my young sister Connie has choosen on the task of keeping the family tradition christmas eve party.  I have sereval  sisters, a brother many nieces and nephews.  A large family.  We have decided to make a craft gift to exchange.  The gift should be home made. The cost not over $10.00 dollars.  A gift you would want.  My family is very talented. Over the years we have made, cookbooks with recipe that are generations old.  Home made vidoes of many special occasions.  Updated address books, with birthdays and annv. dates. Jams, jellies pies, cookies.  The young children are really getting in to this fun project.   Cody, Ryan, Drake, Shelby, and Austin truly look forward to making a gift. I am always amazed at how well they do. Lots of fun. 
The wind is beginning to get stronger and I see some sprinkles of something.  LOL 
I need to get off my lovly tush and get busy with my chores.
Stay warm and be safe. XXXOOOO

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